DC Future State – The Latest Jump Forward in the DC Cannon

October 15, 2020

The idea of 5G was something DC originally announced but neglected to properly explain. Now, many months later, we have the announcement of Future State! Two months crammed full of issues taking the DC Universe into the future. Including Clark Kent leaving Earth, Jon growing up and taking over the position of Superman. In a situation that also includes bottling Metropolis much like Kandor was. Batman has been killed, and vigilantes are outlawed in Gotham.

The announcement of Future State, especially it’s release schedule bares a resemblance to the Futures’ End and DC One Million tie-ins however in this case, there is no Future State main series for the issues to tie into.

With the information currently available, this feels largely like an excuse to use stories and art already budgeted for instead of a genuine excuse to tell stories. I’m hopeful that this is not the case, but as it’s being announced, and especially given the fact that it is being crammed into two months, this feels like an attempt to make some money back on DCs part.

The idea of Jon taking over as Superman is an interesting concept in particular, but a concept that would have been far more interesting if we could have actually seen Jon grow into the role.