Summer/Lockdown Comic Reading

June 5, 2020

The year started off a little rocky but fun. Started teaching on the animation course, so my personal reading had to take a back seat. Because I started my PhD, my reading had to be very selective. Then the world sort of stepped into a Stephen King book. Myself, and my co-workers had to quickly learn to adapt to teaching from our homes. A challenge that was a little easier what with knowledge of putting video essays together, as well as technology such as Microsoft Teams, Skype, Discorn and Stream. Add to that extra work loads with marking, and then my own doctoral research, it’s been a crazy 6 months. Health wise, mine has been declining. Body hurts a lot more, medicine doesn’t help, but a physiotherapist is now in the mix.

April did see an amazing weekend in the form of At Home Comic Con. Set up by amazing friends, primarily Owen of Owen Likes Comics, Matt Draper and Comic Drake. I got to be on two panels for that day, and we managed to raise just over $7,000. Just shy of the goal, but still an amazing achievement. Here’s hoping we do another next year.

With Summer here, and some time to actually stop and read between research and projects, I wanted to set out some goals for books I want to tackle. I gained quiet a bit recently, and others I’ve had sat on the shelf for a while, but I want to make it a goal that I do get some of this stuff off of my back list. It can feel pretty oppressive having no finished or read a lot of this stuff, since you somehow feel lesser for having not read them.

The Authority Omnibus:

I bought this around Christmas along with the Planetary Omnibus. Planetary I somehow read in a single day and did greatly enjoy, though the fact that I did finish it in a day meant that I need to go back at some point and figure out what actually happened beyond surface level plot. Going into Authority I know very little other than a few details such as specific characters like Apollo and Midnighter. Then again, the only detail I know about them is that it’s essentially “what if Batman and Superman were gay and in a relationship?” But from the interesting writing of Planetary, I’m very curious to see how this pans out, and how it connects more to Planetary.

Doomsday Clock:

The second hardcover is being released in England on the 16th of June, about a week and a half from now. I have read the first few issues of Doomsday Clock, about 5 issues in full. But I realised this was something I wanted to read in one go, maybe not a single sitting, but I wanted all the issues available. I figured this would be the case as the single issues were coming out. Which is why the only issues I own are signed ones I managed to get from eBay. Mostly because every time Gary Frank has been in the country, I’ve missed him. I’m not the most on board with their being a sequel to Watchmen, but the idea of the public finding out what Veidt did is something that intrigues me. As Moore says “I leave it entirely in your hands” and the thought the public did find out was part of my personal canon. I know roughly how the story ends, but I am yet to experience it myself.

War of the Gods:

I picked these up in single issues primarily because of how bad friends and aquintences have told me the story is. I’m not too sure if that is due to execution, or actual plot. But it’s only 4 issues long, and let’s just say I’m morbidly curious.


I do love Event comics, and I love comics from the 80s. I cam across the storyline Invasion from reading the Omnibus for Superman: The Exile. Seeing some of the before, during and after, does lead to a lot of curiosity. That and the overall cover for the trade, which seems to have also been an advert for the storyline, is very well done and does lead you to want to check it out.

DC One Million Omnibus:

I did actually start reading this, but had to put it down due to work and other commitments. The story is interesting. The Justice League of the future preparing for Superman’s return, and going back to their 90s counterparts to bring them to the future. Looking at the future, especially the idea of Pluto now being a prison planet watched over by Batman. I’m curious to see what will happen when Superman returns, as well as the plot for why the Justice League are brought to the far future.

Emperor Joker:

My reasons for having it on the list are very simple. I keep hearing about this, and really do need to get around to it. The idea of the Joker gaining most of Mxy’s powers and using it to rule the world. Yep, need to read that. Some of the things I’ve heard really have me curious, like the multiple deaths of Batman, eating all of china, and turning Harley Quinn into a constellation.

Adventures of the Super Sons:

I adored the original Super Sons run, so absolutely need to read this. I’ve read the first two or three issues, but now I have both trades waiting to be read. The plot is essentially the crazy adventure Damian and Jon goes on during their summer break. After the main series has now aged Jon up and essentially split up the Super Sons, this is a much needed addition to my life.

Batman Rebirth Deluxe Vols 2 – 4:

I’m behind, okay!!

I have a good amount more, but I think just putting these down now is a good starting point.